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Was im Jahr 2023 bei DAVeMoS passiert ist


December 19, 2023

Goodbye to Kaori

Kaori Nakamura is completing her 3-months visit returning to Tokyo University. The collaboration in exploring cyclists' cognitive load on different Japanese road design configurations will continue, and future visit is planned.    


November 6-7, 2023

DAVeMoS gave a keynote at University of Bari

Prof. Susilo gave an opening keynote at the International Workshop on Green, Smart, and Mobile Urban Communities: promotion of
Inclusive, Equitable and Integrated Social Policies for Human Well-being in Cities (GAME) which was hosted at the University of Bari Aldo Moro.


October 25, 2023

DAVeMoS Autumn Newsletter 2023

DAVeMoS Autumn Newsletter now is out with the English one can be found in here and the German one can be found in here.    


October 6, 2023

Determinants of Usage and Satisfaction
with Demand Responsive Transport
Systems in Rural Areas

This paper identified the decisive factors of DRT systems’ usage in rural areas by examining user characteristics, usage cases, and the determinants of satisfaction with such services. The findings suggest that DRT systems are used for both compulsory and nonmandatory trips and that the majority of users are female. However, the results from different user groups and services suggest that there are not unanimous determinants of the probability of traveling by DRT. With regard to overall satisfaction, it is found that it is related to satisfaction with both trip-level attributes and system design characteristics. The paper can be found in here.    


October 2, 2023

Welcome to Kaori Nakamura

Welcome to Kaori Nakamura from Tokyo University, Japan, who will stay with us to work with her research with DAVeMoS VR Lab.

Conference Table

September 10-12, 2023

DAVeMoS at Universitätstagung 2023

Our Roxani Gkavra provided presentation at the 2023 (German speaking) University Conference on Transportation on September 10-12, 2023, at Rolduc Abbey in Kerkrade, the Netherlands, hosted by RWTH Aachen. 


August 31, 2023

DAVeMoS at TUM-ISTRC Workshop on Urban Logistics Innovation

Prof. Susilo gave an opening presentation on the impacts of pick up and delivery strategies on users and courier behaviours in Urban Logistics Innovation workshop that is organised by the Chair of Transportation System Engineering of TUM, Munich, Germany.

Plant Store

July 14, 2023

DAVeMoS is part of a winning consortium in a Driving Urban Transition project

The project proposal, DREAMS: Driving Equitable and Accessible 15 Minute City Transformations, is awarded, a part of the Driving Urban Transition (with total project value 2.25 million Euro) programme. The project is expected to start on January 2024.


June 29, 2023

Happy Summer !

We celebrated our achievements of this last summer semester by paddling together at Stockerau in Lower Austria province.


June 19, 2023

DAVeMoS at FTI-Forum Mobilität 2023

DAVeMoS members, Roxani Gkavra and Maria Juschten, provided pitch of SmartHubs and DAVeMoS projects at BMK/FFG FTI-Forum Mobilität 2023.   


June 7, 2023

GreenCoin Project presentation

Today Ari Tarigan, from University of Stavanger, Norway, visited DAVeMoS. He gave a seminar about Greencoin project - a project that is exploring the impact of remunerating/awarding pro-environmental activities.   


May 31, 2023

BOKU's Featuring Future Conference in Energy and Mobility

Today BOKU's Future conference on Energy and Mobility topic was well attended. It was opened by our Federal Minister in Climate Action and we had the legendary Danish architect Jan Gehl as the keynote speaker.   


May 11-12, 2023

FSV Seminar on the possibilities and limits of demand forecasting

DAVeMoS co-organised a FSV planning seminar which focuses on the possibilities and limits of traffic/transport demand forecasting. Ten presentations were delivered and a number of workshops were organised. The event was full-booked and many great ideas were discussed together.


April 26, 2023

What affects a driver's trust in automation? A methodology using objective and subjective measures

Our IVe Guest Professor, Samantha Jamson (from Leeds), gave presentation based on Trustonomy project which aimed to discover in which situations trust in vehicle automation can reduce and increase. One of the messages was: whilst the trust can be regained after a disappointment, it will not be the same trust as before.

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April 12, 2023

SmartHubs at "Women in Mobility" event

DAVeMoS member, Roxani Gkavra will talk about SmartHubs project at 'Women in Mobility' event in Vienna. Further information of the event can be found in here.    


March 22, 2023

DAVeMoS at Austria-Sweden Innovation Exchange Day

DAVeMoS took part in the Austrian-Swedish Innovation Exchange Day, with stakeholders, researchers and industries, which took place in 'Sweden House' in Vienna.   


March 9, 2023

Zero-Flex project is kicked -off !

ZeroFlex project focuses on the development, construction and broad demonstration operation of flexible and highly innovative mobility points (ZeroFlex station) as an important basis for the dissemination of zero emission technologies and the associated reduction in greenhouse gases. It is funded by FFG. Further information can be found in here.

Space Portal

March 6, 2023

IATBR Newsletter 2

The second edition of IATBR News now is out. The issue focuses on travel behaviour, integrated planning, and celestial logistics system in space mobility era. The newsletter can be found in here.   


Feb/March, 2023

Welcome to our new colleagues

We have new team member Igor Woloschtschuk and also our new visiting PhD student Victor Flensburg from DTU - Technical University of Denmark and BahneDanmark. Igor will help us to deploy our new DRT survey in Salzburg, and Victor will work on his research in estimating rail transport demand based on smartcard data and national travel survey.


January 8-12, 2023

DAVeMoS at 102nd US TRB Annual Meeting

DAVeMoS team gave 1 podium, 1 poster, and 2 sub-commitee meetings presentations at the 102nd US TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, USA. US TRB is the largest transport conference in the world, and we presented our results on DRT analysis in rural area, hazard perception analysis with VR, and super-apps-use diary collection.

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December 13, 2023

Happy End of Year Dinner

Time to be together again, celebrating our achievements and hard works in the last one year, and eat together.    

Workers at Their Computers

October/November, 2023

PhD student/Researcher in Transport Analysis and Simulation is wanted

DAVeMoS is looking for a PhD student/researcher in Transport Simulation and Analysis. Further information can be found in here. Deadline to apply is 20.11.2023.    


October 16-17, 2023

Another successful SmartHubs Symposium

DAVeMoS was part of another successful SmartHubs symposium and consortium meeting in Brussels. Together with different various stakeholders and operators from different countries we presented the project results and discussed opportunities and challenges in implementing smart mobility hubs.    


October 5, 2023

IATBR Newsletter 3

The third edition of IATBR News now is out. The issue focuses on generative AI, and how this would impact travel behaviour, transport system, and transport planning in general. The newsletter can be found in here.   


September 20-22, 2023

DAVeMoS at NECTAR Cluster 3 Meeting

Our Oleksandr Rossolov gave presentation about willingness-to-pay and willingness-to-provide crowd-shipping service at Cluster 3 Meeting at Cercedilla, Madrid, Spain, hosted by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).    


September 6-8, 2023

DAVeMoS at European Transport Conference

At the 2023 ETC in Milan, Shahnaz Fuady (Bella), together with Paul Pfaffenbichler, presented our works on measuring the roles and  impacts of micromobility to create a "good city" with system dynamic approach.


August 09-10, 2023

DAVeMoS at BTR Conference 2023

Prof. Susilo gave presentation at 2023 Bridging Transportation Researcher conference. He share about the development of cognition and behaviour research based on physiological measurements in Virtual Reality environment in DAVeMoS. 

Image by Eugenia Clara

July 6, 2023

IATBR Webinar Series: South East Asia Region

DAVeMoS hosted the IATBR (International Association for Travel Behaviour Research) Webinar, which focused on South East Asia region, featuring Sandy Mae Gaspay, Prateek Bansal, and Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan from University of the Philippines Diliman, National University of Singapore, and Institut Teknologi Bandung. Further information of the event can be found in here.   


June 28, 2023

DAVeMoS at ISFO 2023

DAVeMoS member, Roxani Gkavra, presented her work on demand responsive transport in Salzburg at the 4th International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations. The event was organised by AustriaTech.

Donau City with Donauturm and DC Tower,  Vienna

June 16, 2023

SmartHubs' Austrian Living Lab report is published

SmartHubs' Austrian Living Lab report now is published. In this living lab activities, we explored mobility needs, citizens and stakeholders' interests, including the implementations of MAMCA, SmartHubs accessibility tool, and design games through co-creation workshops in select locations in Vienna and Lower Austria. The report can be found in here.   


June 5, 2023

The importance of design thinking in building a sustainable transport and mobility system

Prof. Susilo gave a presentation at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems of ETH Zürich about the importance of design thinking and putting human as the centre in building a sustainable transport system.


May 30, 2023

The integration of passenger and freight transport

DAVeMoS, together with colleagues from TU Munich and IUAV Venice, co-organised a special issue on the topic of integration between passengers and freight transport. 10 articles were collected from around the worlds to discuss about trends, gaps and further challenges. The copy of the editorial can be found in here.    


May 4, 2023

DAVeMoS Spring 2023 Newsletter

DAVeMoS' spring 2023 newsletter now is out and can be found in here for German version and in here for the English version.    


April 26, 2023

Governance of Mobility Hubs

Our SmartHubs' Deliverable 2.3 on Governance Frameworks for Mobility Hubs in the SmartHubs Living Lab Areas has been finalised, and the summary document can be found in here and the full report can be found in here.

 Delhi City

April 5, 2023

IATBR Webinar series: South Asia Region

DAVeMoS is hosting the first IATBR (the International Association of Travel Behaviour Research)'s world webinar series will take place on April 5, 2023, at 12:30 CEST, and will focussing on travel behaviour research in South Asia Region. Further information of the event can be found in here.   

Red Bridge in Lyon

March 16 - 17, 2023

DAVeMoS at NECTAR Cluster 4 Workshop

DAVeMoS member, Shun Su, presented his work at NECTAR Cluster 4 workshop on An experimental dataset to study the behaviour of E-Scooter users in virtual reality through physiological measurement. The workshop was organized by LAET-ENTPE (University of Lyon), Lyon, France.   


March 13, 2023

Transition from physical to online shopping alternatives due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Using data from Italy and Sweden, this study analyses the impacts of the pandemic on the transition to online shopping activities, and identifies who among the respondents changed their shopping behaviour the most and how; and what the different shopping strategies are and who adopted them The paper can be found here.   


March 3, 2023

Examining the effect of integrated ticketing on
mode choice for interregional commuting

This study examines the correlation between mode choice for commuting and multi-regional integrated ticketing. The results suggested that integrated ticketing has an overall positive effect on promoting greater public transport use; in particular, male car commuters compared to females are more likely to switch to PT for commuting. The paper can be found here.   


February 1, 2023

Goodbye and all best wishes to Anugrah and Martin, Welcome Robin and Claudia!

With beginning of the year, we have another change within our team composition. Anugrah Ilahi will start his academic position at University of Indonesia and Martin Hinteregger have joined SCHIG mbH. For incoming, now we have Claudia Andruetto and Robin Palmberg from KTH and CrossModal AB who will stay with us during this winter/spring semester to collaborate on system level impacts of electric freight transport and upgrading our multimodal VR lab.


November 22, 2023

Visiting students' seminar

Our visiting students Abid Akioui Sanz and Kaori Nakamura from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and The University of Tokyo presented their previous works on Covid impacts to teleworking in Madrid and also disaster restoration management through public housing strategy provision in Yokohama city. During their stay in Vienna, Abid will update MARS model for post-covid Madrid and Kaori will utilise our VR facilities to explore the impacts of different cycling infrastructure design in Japan to cyclists' cognitive load.  


October 25-27, 2023

DAVeMoS at Cycling Research Board 2023

DAVeMoS member, Roxani Gkavra, took part in Cycling Research Board Annual Meeting 2023, which was hosted at Wuppertal, Germany.    


October 12-13, 2023

DAVeMoS at NECTAR Cluster 6 Meeting

DAVeMoS member, Roxani Gkavra, took part in a 2-days NECTAR Cluster 6 Meetings, which focus on 'accessibilty' and present the plausible pitfalls of app-based mobility offers.    

Toy Brain

October 4, 2023

DAVeMoS' researcher is among the Top 2% of Scientists Worldwide in 2022

Based on Elsevier BV/Stanford University list of "2023 Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators", Prof. Susilo is again listed among the top 2% of world scientists, among few from the sub-field discipline of “Logistics and Transportation”.    

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September 11, 2023

The Role of Freight Carriers and Non-Freight Carrier Agents the Fight Against Climate Change

DAVeMoS organised a mini symposium about the potential and impacts of Freight transport in Digital Era. Professor Dr. Jose Holguin-Veras from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, together with Professor Dr. Manfred Gronalt and THINKPORT, give a talk about their recent works. Further information can be found in here


September 5-8, 2023

DAVeMoS at the 11th hEART Conference

At the 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Prof. Susilo gave a presentation at the workshop of 'Public Transportation - (low) fares, equity, and policy' and Muhamad Rizki presented our research on the effect of apps' evolution and users' personality to the long term adoption of super apps. Further information can be found in here


July 17-21, 2023

DAVeMoS at 2023 WCTRS conference

DAVeMoS' supervised PhD student, Robin Palmberg, presents a work on the applicability of information processing theories in road hazard perception context at the 16th World Conference on Transport Research, Montreal, Canada. Further information of the conference can be found in here.    


July 3, 2023

Welcome Georgia Charalampidou

Today we welcome Georgia Charalampidou to our group. She will explore the first step(s) to link our #systemdynamics (MARS) and agent based model (MATSim) platforms for transport CO2 back-casting analysis purpose in the Vienna metropolitan area.   


June 21-22, 2023

DAVeMoS at NECTAR cluster 6 & 7 workshop

DAVeMoS member, Yusfita Chrisnawati, presented her work at a joint NECTAR Cluster 6 & 7 workshop on an agent-based simulation of bike sharing system in Vienna. The workshop was organized by the University of Coimbra, Portugal.   


June 15, 2023

A visit by a colleague from SBM ITB, Indonesia

DAVeMoS had a pleasure to be visited by Dr. Yos Sunitiyoso, from the School of Business and Management, at the Bandung Institute of Technology. A discussion on collaboration on the EV related behavioural impact analyses was taken place. 


June 2, 2023

DAVeMoS' Multimodal-Multiplayer VR Simulator is complete

Our multimodal virtual reality platform now is complete. With this platform we can develop a multi-player’s experiment with different road user interactions and different urban settings. The platform is modular based, means the travel mode is 'plug-ins', and can be changed and multiplied according to the objective of the study.   


May 16, 2023

Impacts of Mobility 4.0

Today Professor Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva, from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, delivered his guest lecture on evaluating the impacts of electric, autonomous, and shared vehicles on sustainable urban mobility.


May 2, 2023

Visit by Dr. John Stone

DAVeMoS welcomed Dr. John Stone's visit, from the University of Melbourne, to discuss about sustainable transport issues in both countries.    


April - July, 2023

Loigom DRT shuttle study is started

DAVeMoS, by the request of the Province of Salzburg, is analysing the changes in users' and stakeholders' behaviours due to recently launched on-demand-service, Loigom Shuttle, in the mountainous Leogang region.    


March 29-31, 2023

SmartHubs - MOVE21 Joint Symposium

The 3rd SmartHubs symposium and research exchange was successfully executed jointly with MOVE21 at the Salaborsa Library of Bologna, Italy. MOVE21 is an EU innovation project, led by the city of Oslo, focuses on demonstrations of zero emission and climate resolution solutions in mobility and logistics nodes. Following this even, another SmartHubs consortium meeting was completed at the Rimini campus of University of Bologna.   

Kid Grocery Shopping

March 16, 2023

DAVeMoS' new course

DAVeMoS is starting a new course focuses on the introduction of individual behaviour and choice analysis (856021). All interested students are welcomed to take the course.   


March 6, 2023

The reciprocal effects of physical activities and ride-sourcing on health

Do you ever wonder the impacts of your intense physical activities, e.g. running and cycling, to the rest of your day's activities' participation? And whether the use of ridesharing for simple short trips would increase/decrease the probability of one to participate in more physical-demanding activities in home and work locations? This study explores the role of convenience travel alternative and the intensity of physically active activities to one's subjective health assessment. The paper can be found here.   

Analysing data

March 1, 2023

A postdoc in Travel Behaviour Data Analytic in wanted

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Human Behaviour Data Analyses. The deadline to apply is 21 March 2023 (CET time). Further information can be found in here and here.

Image by Jason Goodman

January 12, 2023

A researcher in Transport Simulation and Analysis is wanted !

We are looking for a German speaking Postgraduate Research Associate in transport simulation and analysis. The deadline to apply is 15 March 2023 (CET time). Further information can be found in here and here.    

© 2020 Copyright DAVeMoS Team

Forthcoming Conferences

Here you can find relevant forthcoming conferences related with digitalisation and automation

Automation in Austria

Here you can find information to relevant initiatives of digitalisation and automation in  Austria


Here you can find various different types of publications that DAVeMoS team have previously published

Knowledge Pool

Here you will find a knowledge pool about system level impacts of automation and digitalisasion

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